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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Guest Post: Word of The Year From Songs Kate Sang!

Photo Credit: Songs Kate Sang
I love this post from my friend Kate at Songs Kate Sang. She has some really inspirational and uplifting posts!

I've been planning on sharing my word of the year today for a little while.

Now, I find it absolutley ironic that I am announcing the my 2013 word of the year is grace.

Last week, when the entire family was sharing germs and we couldn't quite get past runny noses and upset stomachs, I wrote "dance like no one is watching" on the chalkboard.

Well, last night, I was photographing a company party - the company I used to spend my 8-5 at (Praise God for precious opportunities to connect with forever friends!). As my time was up, I sat down at a table to get a few last shots of the dance floor.

A friend came up to me and asked me to dance - and we tore up the dance floor for approximately 15.6 seconds. And then my elbow, my bootie and the floor made a swift introduction to one another. All I could think was, "Dear Lord, please tell me my no one saw that dance move or my undergarments. Amen." Remember ladies, jitterbug and hosiery just do not mix. Goodness gracious.

I spent this morning at Urgent Care and will be seeing an orthopedic surgeon tomorrow.

I have an elbow radial head fracture. Awesome.

And without further introduction - there it is: Grace.

Calm {2012}

Grace {2011}

Trust {2010}

Overshadowed {2009}

Available {2008}

Yup, we are having a redo word.

Apparently, I could use a redo on grace :)

Have a blessed day!


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