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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Disney On Ice Dare To Dream Fit For a Prince!

Photo courtesy of Feld Entertainment

Disney on Ice, Dare to Dream was an amazing show. My boys were a little skeptical until they saw the show. It was definitely great for the Princess or even the Prince in your life!

The show started out in New Orleans with Tiana and Naveen. The music and the dancing took you on a journey to the French Quarter and the bayou.

Photo courtesy of Feld Entertainment
The second part of the show was all about Cinderella and Prince Charming. I love how they can condense the story but still keep all of the most entertaining parts of the film. My boys have never watched Cinderella and it was great to see their faces as the story unfolded.

Photo courtesy of Feld Entertainment

Rapunzel and Flynn Rider rounded out the show. They definitely saved the best for last! This portion of the show not only had the best skating but the characters used a ribbon suspended from the ceiling to do some amazing acrobatics and dancing. My boys loved this part of the show. The next day we even had to watch Tangled because they couldn't stop talking about it.

There is still time to see the show in Phoenix. The last show is on Sunday January 13th. Be sure to head over to to buy your tickets!

Dis­clo­sure: I am a Feld Fam­ily Ambas­sador, in exchange for my time and efforts in attend­ing shows and report­ing my opin­ion within this blog, as well as keep­ing you advised of the lat­est dis­count offers, Feld Enter­tain­ment has pro­vided me with com­pli­men­tary tick­ets to Feld shows andoppor­tu­ni­ties to attend pri­vate Feld pre-Show events. As always all opin­ions are my own.

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