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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Fashionable @Blissdom With Down East Basics!

This Wednesday, I will be heading to Nashville! I am attending a blogging conference called Blissdom! Whenever I head to blogging conferences, I always think, "Oh my gosh, I have nothing to wear!" Well, this time, I have some really cute outfits! I have a clothing sponsor for Blissdom that just happens to be my favorite clothing store...DownEast Basics!

I had the chance to head to my local store and pick out 2 outfits, for my trip! My closest store is at Arrowhead Towne Center. Every time I go in there, I walk out with at least one item. I love how the clothes at DownEast Basics are fashionable and conservative, at the same time.

There was a great sales associate, named Brooke, at the store that helped me with some outfits. The first outfit I chose was this super cute skirt, teal top and gold cardigan. When Brooke first handed me the skirt, I thought there was no way I could wear that. Especially with the color combination of teal and gold. Well, after trying it on, I fell in love. I noticed I have so much grey in my wardrobe and these colors are a welcome change.

My second outfit was a little more casual. They have the cutest jeans at DownEast Basics! They have fun little details on the pockets that make them look really expensive. But don't worry, they are very reasonably priced! I was also pretty happy that I fit into a smaller size than I normally wear. Woo Hoo!

My mom and sister came with me. And of course, my mom had to purchase the same sweater I was getting. My sister loves accessories. So, she was checking out the earrings and necklaces. I wore a necklace to BlogHer that I purchased at DownEast Basics. I received so many compliments on that necklace!

Here is the 3 of us with our goodies. We left very happy with our choices and I think my mom and sister will definitely be back. They loved the selection and variety at DownEast Basics!

Here was our amazing sales associate, Brooke! She was so friendly and so happy to help. If you are ever at the DownEast Basics in Arrowhead Mall, ask for her. She does an amazing job!

Please visit my amazing sponsors online...Angie's Kettle Corn & Down East Basics!

Disclosure: DownEast Basics is my clothing sponsor for Blissdom. I was given 2 outfits in exchange for this post and my honest opinion. All thoughts expressed in this post are 100% mine!


Denise said...

I love both outfits and that gold/teal combo is beautiful next to your face! Hope to meet you in Nashville next week. :-)

Kara Hyvarinen said...

Thanks Denise! I would love to meet you, as well.


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