The other day I was emailed an updated version of Fry's coupon policy. Guess what? They are now allowing overage, in certain circumsatnces!
Here is an explanation:
We wanted to let you know that starting immediately we are now allowing the value of a manufacturer coupon to exceed the value of an item; however, the “overage” is to be applied to other items in the order. Please see our updated coupon policy for the full details. The actual line in the policy that outlines this is as follows:
A manufacturer’s coupon value may exceed the cost of the item if that overage is applied to other purchases. A coupon overage may not be used to get cash back at the end of an order.
This change does not apply to the doubling of coupons or our promotion to make all coupons up to a $1. For example, if a customer purchases a can of soup for 85¢ and has a manufacturer coupon for 50¢ the customer would receive a max of 85¢ for the item. The manufacturer only reimburses the retailer for the value of the item; therefore, we only double up to the price of the item being purchased. The doubling of coupons should not create “overage” when doubling is done correctly.
You can go HERE to read the full policy. Be sure to print a copy and take it with you when you go shopping. We will no doubt run in to a few cashier's that don't know about the change.
Please remember to always be courteous when using coupons. I know it can be difficult when a cashier is being a grump about coupons. I love Fry's and I am so thankful that they are coupon friendly and constantly strive to help their customers save money!
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